Saturday, November 17, 2012

Obsessions: iPhone Cases

Hi everyone!

Okay so exciting news! I'm finally joining the iPhone crew. I know I'm probably like 2 years late on this, but bear with me--I finally have a job to pay for montly data \m/ I'm planning on getting it this week, and I'm on the hunt for the perfect case. Knowing myself, I need multiple cases because places like Etsy make such cute ones it's hard to just stick with one. Berna over from shark tooth summer has inspired me to create a post dedicated to some of the cutest iPhone cases out there, and some potential ones for my own!

For now, I need to stick with a protective case because being the clutz I am, it's going to be dropped at one point or another and there is no WAY my saved up paycheck/babysitting money/allowance is going to waste. I have an idea on how to make a protective case fab, which I will elaborate on next time with a DIY.

Here's my iPhone case wishlist, for any of you who were wondering (hey, Christmas is coming up ;)

Haunted Mansion Cases, Etsy (various sellers)

xo, Alexa

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